Bushcraft Gear Checklist
A list of essential items to make sure you pack for your next bushcraft trip.
1 Liter water bottle

1 Liter water bottle
This depends on the hunt and the choice is up to you, We recommend to carry at least a 1 litre of water in your pack.
Axe – Multi Purpose

Axe – Multi Purpose
Is there a tree fallen across the road or do you need to process large amounts of firewood? The axe is your friend here.
Bear Spray

Bear Spray
When hunting, bear encounters are rare but can occur, be smart and carry bear spray.
Bushcraft Pack

Bushcraft Pack
This pack can be whatever suits you best, just make sure it can fit all your items and is comfortable to carry.
Char Tin

Char Tin
Sometimes you want to make a fire using charred material, sometimes you need to make new charred material. This Char tin will get the job done.

The ability to use a compass is a dying art, but one that can still be extremely useful when your GPS or Mobile phone runs out of battery in the field. It’s nice to have a backup.
Diamond Blade Sharpener

Diamond Blade Sharpener
Processing an animal can be tough on a blade, if your knife is starting to struggle to make quick clean cuts, a lightweight diamond sharpener can put that edge back on your knife.
Emergency Blanket

Emergency Blanket
Another item that’s just smart to have with the winters here in canada, they are cheap and easy to find, keep a couple in the dash for emergencies.
Ferrocerium Rod

Ferrocerium Rod
When struck with a harder material, these rods produce hot sparks that can reach temperatures of 3,315 °C, making it easy to start fires, even in the most adverse weather conditions.

Having a powerful source of light will really help out in many situations, especially in an emergency.
Flint & Steel

Flint & Steel
A traditional method for creating a spark and starting a fire.

Nobody wants to be caught in the dark in the woods. Whether off the trail, tracking an animal or dressing a fish, it’s no fun in the dark.

Carrying a robust all-purpose knife can help in tasks such as making a fire or an emergency shelter.

It’s always good to have a reliable source of fire at hand.
Lightweight Tarp

Lightweight Tarp
Sometimes you need a quick shelter, a lightweight tarp is a great way to get this done.
Maintenance Kit

Maintenance Kit
This pouch holds all the bits and bobs you think you may need for a bushcraft trip, some examples could be a sharpening stone, sewing kit, wax or oil.
Medical Kit

Medical Kit
Sometimes there is a need for medical supplies, it could be as simple as a band-aid but having a well-put-together medical kit is always a good call.
Mobile Phone

Mobile Phone
In this modern era of hunting a mobile phone device can be an incredible tool, using apps such as Ihunter to track your hunt and set locations can be a valuable asset when getting to grips with the area you plan to hunt.
Multi tool

Multi tool
A multi tool can be useful for a number of small tasks, plus it doest take up much space in a vehicle or a pack.
Paracord: 50 – 100ft

Paracord: 50 – 100ft
Having cordage handy is always useful, from setting up a tarp to helping manage an animal you need to field dress on your own, paracord works great.

Is there a tree fallen across the road or do you need to process large amounts of firewood? The Saw is your friend here. It could be a Silky, Buck Saw or Bow Saw all will get the job done.
Small handheld Saw

Small handheld Saw
Useful for collecting firewood if you need to be out after dark processing an animal, can also be used during field dressing to cut the sternum or leg bones to ease access or reduce weight.
Snacks – Lunch

Snacks – Lunch
No one wants to get hungry while out in the woods, having a good supply of snacks you enjoy can really help you stay out longer.
Spare Wool Socks

Spare Wool Socks
One of the worst things that can happen during in the elements is getting cold feet, sometimes a quick fix can simply be to swap out your socks.
Stainless steel container for heating water

Stainless steel container for heating water
Stanley cook pot or similar. If you’re wanting to make that coffee or tea you’re going to need a container to heat that water.

Useful for a makeshift shelter or lining the bed of your truck to lay harvested animals on.
Toilet Roll

Toilet Roll
When nature calls, you’re going to want it.
USB Battery Charger

USB Battery Charger
Phones can be used often when hunting to mark locations on the Ihunter App or perhaps check in on a buddy you’re hunting with, whatever the case, it’s nice to know you can recharge when you need to.

Depending on the temperatures it’s good to keep spare drinking water in your vehicle, if you know it’s going to be really cold keep it in a thermos.
Wool Blanket

Wool Blanket
In Canada with the winters we experience, it’s always a good idea to keep a heavy wool blanket in your vehicle.